Wednesday, November 25, 2009

SharePoint Branding Issues: Edit In Datasheet View

After you customized your MOSS page, when you tried to open a document library in datasheet view Internet Explorer freezes.

To solve this problem, find and replace this line in core.js

var lGCWindowHeight=document.documentElement.scrollHeight;


var lGCWindowHeight=(document.documentElement.scrollHeight>document.documentElement.clientHeight) ? document.documentElement.clientHeight : document.documentElement.scrollHeight;

Extending Web Application for extranet HTTPS enabled.

  1. Go to Central Administration
  2. Go to Application Management
  3. Under Create or Extend Web Application
  4. Select http://mossdev/ as web application
  5. Change Description: Sharepoint – Extranet
    1. Port: 443 (HTTPS Port)
    2. Host Header: extranet
    3. User SSL: YES
    4. Zone: Extranet
  6. Also don't forget to add http://extranet to DNS Server.
  7. Install IIS 6.0 Resource Kit Tools from Microsoft`s web site.
    1. Install just SelfSSL if wanted or do complete installation.
    2. After installing RKT, from start menu strat SelfSSL console app.
    3. On the console write:
    4. Selfssl /T /N:CN=extranet (press enter)
    5. Write exit to exit from console.
    6. Go to IIS go to Default Web Site go to Properties
      1. Select Directory Security
      2. See if View Certificate button is enabled if it is certificate is created.
      3. Go to Sharepoint – Extranet we site on IIS
      4. From properties go to Directory Security
      5. Go to Server Certificate from wizard select Assign an Existing Certificate
      6. Select the certificate that was create
      7. Leave port number as 443
      8. After adding the certificate to the extranet web site
      9. Go to Edit enable Require secure channel (SSL)
      10. Enable Require 128-bit encryption.
    7. Go to command line to reset IIS, write iisreset /noforce
    8. Open Internet explorer to try the sure write https://extranet/

Turning On Self Service Site Management

  1. Go to Application Management from Central Administration
  2. Under the Application Security
  3. Go to Self Service site management
  4. Select Require secondary contact
  5. Select On from the radio box
  6. Click OK
  7. Go to MOSS 2007 Home
    1. You will see new announcement
    2. Go to Site Actions -> Site Settings
    3. Under Site Collection Administration, select Site Directory Settings
    4. Select "Create new site collections from Site Directory"
    5. Click OK, this will enable to users can add new sites from the site directory.

SharePoint 2007 Installation Walkthrough

  1. Create a Service Account
    1. Create a group named "SharePoint" by using Computer Management or from Active Directory.
    2. Create a user named "spservice" and assign it to the group.
    3. Add that service account to SQL Server users.
      1. Open SQL Server Management Studio
      2. Got to Security Tab from tree view
      3. Expand Logins and right click to Logins, select New Login
      4. Enter spservice to login name.
      5. Unser Server Roles select:
        1. dbcreator
        2. securityadmin
        3. public

  2. Run Setup of SharePoint 2007:
    1. Enter the License Key, accept terms and conditions.
    2. Select Advanced installation
      1. Select Complete installation
    3. Select Install
    4. After installation run configuration wizard.

  3. Configuration Wizard Setup:
    1. On the welcome screen click Next
    2. On window click Yes to restart services listed.
    3. If this computer is the first computer in the farm select No
    4. On the specify configuration database settings
      1. Database Server: MOSSDEV
      2. Database Name: SharepointFarm_Config
      3. Database Access Account
        1. Username: MOSSDEV\spservice
        2. Password: <password>
      4. Configure SharePoint Central Administration Web App
        1. Check and specify port number: Port 1984 or other.
        2. Default Authentication Provider : NTLM
        3. Click Next
    5. You will see all the settings and be sure they are ok. Click Next.
    6. After Configuration successful click Finish.

  4. Central Administration Setup:
    1. Login to central administration as an administrator role user.
    2. After logging in on the list Administrator Tasks
      1. Select Initial Deployment: Assign services to server
      2. On the task description, there is Action column, click to the link which is given in Action column.
    3. That link takes you to Operations> Services on the server where you can observe all the services that is running on the server.
    4. Click the start button for Office SharePoint Server Search Service
      1. On Query and Indexing
        1. Check – Use this server for indexing content.
        2. Check – Use this server for serving search queries.
        3. Contact Email Address: <email address>
        4. Farm Search Service Account
          1. Username: MOSSDEV\spservice
          2. Password: <password>
        5. Leave Index Server Default File Location as it is.
        6. Indexer Performance
          1. Select Reduced
        7. Web Front End and Crawling
          1. Select; use all web front end computers for crawling.
        8. After starting the service, go to Excel Calculation services and start that one also.
        9. As last one click start for Windows SharePoint Service search.
          1. In the settings, for Service Account
            1. Username: MOSSDEV\spservice
            2. Password: <password>
          2. Content Access Account:
            1. Username: MOSSDEV\spservice
            2. Password: <password>
          3. Search Database:
            1. Database Server: MOSSDEV
            2. Database Name: MOSS_Search_DB
              1. Windows Authentication
            3. Index Scheduling
              1. Every 15 minutes.
  5. Create a web application:
    1. Under the Application Management
    2. Go to Create or Extend Web Application
    3. Click Create a new web application.
    4. First we will create a web application for SSP (Shared Services Provider)
    5. IIS Web Site:
      1. Create a new IIS Web Site
        1. Description: SSP – 8080
        2. Port : 8080
      2. Leave Host header and Path as they are
      3. Security Configuration
        1. Authentication Provider: NTLM
        2. Allow Anonymous: No
        3. User SSL: No
      4. Leave Load Balanced URL as it is
      5. Application Pool
        1. Create new Application Pool
          1. Application pool name: SSP – 8080
          2. Configurable
            1. Username: MOSSDEV\spservice
            2. Password: <password>
          3. Reset IIS:
            1. Select restart IIS automatically.
          4. Database Name and Authentication
            1. Database Server: MOSSDEV
            2. Database Name: SSP_Content
            3. Windows Authentication – Click OK

  6. Create New Web Application for SharePoint Web Site:
    1. IIS Web Site
      1. Select Create a new IIS web site
      2. Description: Sharepoint – 80
      3. Port: 80
    2. Security Configuration
      1. Authenticator Provider: NTLM
      2. Allow Anonymous: No
      3. Use SSL: No
    3. Load Balanced URL
      1. URL: http://MOSSDEV:80
    4. Application Pool
      1. Select Create new application pool
        1. Application pool name: Sharepoint – 80
        2. Select Configurable for security account for this app pool.
          1. Username: MOSSDEV\spservice
          2. Password: <password>
      2. Reset IIS
        1. Reset IIS Manually
      3. Database Name and Authentication
        1. Database Server: MOSSDEV
        2. Database Name: Sharepoint80_Content
        3. Database Authentication: Windows Authentication
    5. Click OK

  7. Create Site Collection:
    1. This site collection will be the main site.
    2. Web Application: http://mossdev/
    3. Title: TechLaw Companies
    4. Description: Intranet Portal for TechLaw, Inc.
    5. Website Address: http://mossdev/
    6. Template Selection: Team Site
    7. Primary Site Collection Admin: MOSSDEV\<username>
    8. After creating the site open it on a new tab to test.

  8. New Shared Service Provider:
    1. Go to Application Management
    2. Click Manage This Farm's Shared Services
    3. Click New SSP
      1. SSP Name: Select SSP – 8080 from web application dropdown.
      2. Copy SSP Administration Site URL to clipboard.
    4. My Site Location
      1. Click to create new web app.
      2. Create a new IIS web site
        1. Description: MySite – 2009
        2. Security Account – Configurable
          1. User Name: MOSSDEV\spservice
          2. Password: <password>
      3. Database Name and Authentication
        1. Database Name: MySite_Content
        2. Click OK

  9. New Shared Services Provider:
    1. When new page came after clicking OK, SharePoint will want more configurations.
    2. The only thing that needs to be changed here is SSP Service Credentials
      1. Username: MOSSDEV\spservice
      2. Password: <password>
    3. After SSP is successfully created, by clicking the given link go to SSP. Enter spservice credentials to log in.
    4. Return to Central Administration.

  10. Setting up the Top-Level Site:
    1. Go to http://mossdev/
    2. From Site Actions -> Site Settings -> People and Groups
    3. Add Users group to Members

  11. Creating the 12 Hive Shortcut:
    1. Go to C:\ProgramFiles\CommonFiles\Microsoft Shared\we server extensions
    2. Create a shortcut of "12" named folder to desktop. Name it "12 Hive".

  12. Activating Office SharePoint Server Publishing Infrastructure:
    1. Go to Home
    2. From Site Actions -> Site Settings
    3. From Site Collection Administration
      1. Select Site Collection Features
      2. Click Activate to turn on office SP server publishing infrastructure.

  13. Email Server Configuration:
    1. Go to Central Administration
    2. Go to Operations -> Outgoing E-Mail Settings
      1. Outbound SMTP Server: <IP Address>
      2. From Address: <email address>
      3. Reply To: <email address>

  14. Alternate Access Mappings:
    1. Go to DNS and map http://intranet to <IP address> the SharePoint server
    2. Go to Central Administration under Operations
      1. Select Alternate Access Mappings
      2. Change Alternate Access Mapping Collection and select Sharepoint – 80
      3. Click Edit Public URLS
      4. Write http://intranet to Intranet box and Save.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Presenation Power of Steve Jobs

This is the Kansu Consulting daily newsletter, I’m Can Kansu your “IT guru”, today I want to talk about presentation techniques. This morning while I was browsing my daily mails as usual, one of them took my attention; it was about Steve Jobs` presentation techniques. The man behind these techniques is Carmine Gallo who is the founder of Gallo Communications. He recently published a book about presentation secrets of Steve Jobs.

I strongly recommend taking a look at his web site and watch a YouTube video of Steve Jobs while presenting Mac Book Air for the first time.

This is the video: